Does QCarbo Work? What You Need To Know

qcarbo detox drink

There’s a big chance you’ve heard a lot about the super popular QCarbo detox drinks. Maybe you’re one of the lucky ones who are curious to see if it’ll work for your upcoming drug test. 

Allow me to hold your hand through this stressful process of choosing the right detox drink and how to pass a test. Feel free to ease up, you’re in the right place. 

Does Qcarbo Work to Pass a Drug Test?

To put it simply, QCarbo can help you pass a drug test. It works by masking or diluting your urine during a specific timeframe.

Keep in mind that this is going to depend on various factors including how much of a heavy user you are, your weight, and of course, how carefully you can follow instructions. 

But, it’s not just about following the directions on the back of the bottle. You’ve got to take extra precautions and steps that most people who pass follow when taking Qcarbo.

First things first, you have to choose the right QCarbo detox drink. 

Herbal Cleanse QCarbo

If you know anything about Herbal Clean, it’s that they make legit urine detox drinks.

As I said earlier, you need to pick the right one. I’m about to go over the three detox drinks from the QCarbo line and what differentiates them from one another. 

QCarbo Clear- This one is for my smaller folks who occasionally or moderately smoke weed. It typically comes with 5 vitamin energy tablets that you take along with the liquid drink. 

QCarbo16- For those who have a small to medium body mass OR have moderate to frequent exposure, this is best for you. It’s also a bit cheaper than the other two. This only comes with the liquid, no tablets included. 

QCarbo32- Those who are on the medium to heavy side, this is the right one. It’s also for those with frequent exposure to toxins. This is the most expensive but it’s also the strongest. 

Here’s a rundown of the three products again: 

QCarbo20 ClearQCarbo16Qcarbo32

Small to body mass.
Occasional to Moderate exposure to toxins.

Small-Medium body mass.
Moderate to frequent exposure to toxins.

Medium-Large body mass.
Frequent exposure to toxins.

Using QCarbo for Drug Test

So, you found the right Qcarbo drink. That step is done! Now we can get into the good stuff.

I’m going to give you the best possible tips so that you’ll increase the chances of going undetected. Don’t worry, I didn’t forget to give you the instructions for each drink.

QCarbo Clear Bottle Instructions

I’ve decided to include the general instructions that the Qcarbo products have on the back of the bottle.

Since the instructions for QCarbo16 and QCarbo32 are the same, I only included it once so that I could avoid sounding like a broken record. 

  • Shake the bottle and drink the entire 16oz QCarbo16 over the course of 30 minutes to an hour.
  • For your comfort, wait 15 minutes and drink an additional 16oz of water over the course of 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Be Sure to urinate frequently; this is a part of the elimination process and important for a successful cleanse.
  • Same-day cleanse achieved.

Important Tips

  • Keep in mind that most detox drinks take about 90 minutes to kick in. 
  • When cleansing your system, it’s important to drink at least 48oz of water per day and we also recommend avoiding toxins.
  • Best when taken on an empty stomach. However, if you have a sensitive stomach, you may eat something light, (like toast or crackers).
  • Not intended for daily use. Use this product no more than twice monthly.
  • For adult use only.

Does QCarbo Work for Opiates? 

It’s harder to tell, but I’d say they don’t work as great for opiates. Most of the positive  experiences come from those who smoke weed or drink alcohol.

Feel free to try it out for yourself, however. There’s always a possibility it can mask or dilute the opiates as well. 

QCarbo Detox Reviews

I don’t know about you, but I’ll read tons of reviews if I’m on the fence about something. You might still feel doubtful or unsure if you should spend your money on a drink that may or may not work. 

Well, I don’t blame you. Most detox drinks make huge claims and sometimes they flop. I’ll go ahead and leave some reviews that I found on the GNC website. 

QCarbo Vs Mega Clean 

When comparing these two head on, they’re very similar. Both come in a 32oz bottle and they’re around the same price.

However, Mega Clean seems to be less popular. QCarbo32 on the other hand, has more reviews, including more positive reviews.

I think it’s best to go with one that is more popular and has more input from reviewers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is QCarbo safe for pregnancy? 

This is not recommended for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding. 

How long does QCarbo16 last?

QCarbo 16 lasts for about 5 hours. 

Is QCarbo16 a permanent detox?

It’s not a permanent detox. Each body is different and can require different forms of detoxing over a period of time. 

Is QCarbo16 detected in labs?

QCarbo isn’t detected in lab tests. However, there’s a possibility the toxins you’re looking to cleanse can be detected.

Tim Rosenberger
Hey there! I'm Tim, the founder, and author of Too Slick. I created this blog to share my passion for all things related to family, home improvement, health, drug education, and more, with a focus on making your life easier. My goal is to help you lead a healthier, happier life by providing practical tips and insights. Let's learn together and have some fun!


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