How Long Does Klonopin Stay in Your System: Don’t Be Fooled

Klonopin in Your System

Klonopin, the more commonly known brand name for clonazepam, is a prescription benzodiazepine that can treat seizures and certain types of anxiety disorders, including panic disorder. As with other benzodiazepines, some people also use Klonopin for recreational purposes. Whether you have a prescription or not, you can read on to find an honest and comprehensive answer to users’ number-one question: how long does Klonopin stay in your system?

Even though its effects only last for 6 to 12 hours, Klonopin has a long half-life compared to most prescription drugs. Routine lab tests can detect trace amounts of this benzodiazepine in a user’s system for up to a month, and it can remain in the system for weeks.

However, processing time varies from person to person.

I have a drug test coming up and want to make sure it will go well. Read on to find out more about how easily detectable Klonopin is on drug tests, what factors affect processing time, and how you can hedge your bets to ensure that you pass.

How Long Does Klonopin Stay in Your Body?

Does Klonopin Stay in Your Body

Klonopin is long-acting benzo, which means it builds up in the bloodstream and can take longer than other similar drugs to leave users’ systems altogether. To complicate things further, most drug tests don’t just test for the presence of Klonopin. They test for Klonopin metabolites.

The liver produces Klonopin’s primary active metabolite, known medically as 7-amino clonazepam, during the metabolism process, and it can remain detectable in users’ urine and blood even after the actual Klonopin has left their bodies.

The half-life of clonazepam is 20-50 hours. That’s very long compared to most prescription drugs. It’s also relevant to note that the half-life describes the amount of time it takes your body to process and eliminates half the amount of Klonopin you’ve taken. It could take up to two weeks for your body to eliminate most of the drug from your urine, blood, and saliva as it goes through five to seven half-life cycles.

As noted above, 7-amino clonazepam will still be present in your system after you have metabolized 100% of the actual Klonopin. Even after taking a single 3mg dose, you may always test positive for this metabolite 30 days later.

Will Klonopin Show up on a Drug Test?

Clonazepam is classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance by the DEA, which means it has some potential for abuse and dependence. That also means that many employers, school administrators, and other authority figures test for Klonopin to show up on most drug tests. The length of time it will show up on tests varies based on the test’s sensitivity.

Hair Test

Hair tests have the longest detection time of any drug test. They can detect Klonopin and other benzodiazepines for up to four months after users’ last doses, but in most cases, they only provide definitive results for around 28 days. It’s also relevant to note that Klonopin use may not show up in hair tests for several days to a few weeks after taking the first dose.

Saliva Test

Saliva tests for clonazepam and its metabolites only have a five to six-day window following users’ last dose. They’re the least sensitive of the drug tests. That doesn’t mean you can afford just to ignore an upcoming drug test for Klonopin, though. You’ll still need to detox for at least a week before your test if you want to guarantee a negative result.

Blood Test

Blood tests are roughly comparable to saliva tests when it comes to sensitivity. The drug will show up in your system after one to two hours and will continue to be detectable for several days. Detox for at least a week, just to be safe.

Urine Test

There is some debate regarding how long Klonopin shows up on urine tests. Most experts suggest that the drug itself will only show up for five days following a single use, while its metabolites will be detectable for up to nine days. For chronic users, the timeline should be expanded by two weeks. It’s also worth noting that Klonopin has instances showing up on particularly sensitive urine tests up to 30 days after users took their last doses.

Factors That Determine How Long Klonopin Stays in Your System

Part of the confusion about how long clonazepam stays in users’ systems stems from the fact that every user’s body processes the drug at different speeds. Many factors determine how long Klonopin stays in your system. They include:

  • Age
  • Metabolic rate
  • Height and weight
  • Body mass index
  • Genetics
  • Liver health
  • Frequency and duration of use
  • The average amount taken
  • Urinary pH
  • Genetics
  • Food consumption before the test
  • The use of or abstinence from other drugs

As you can see, there’s little you can do about most of these factors. That doesn’t mean Klonopin users who have drug tests coming up are left entirely to the mercy of factors beyond their control, though.

How to Quickly Cleanse Your System of Klonopin

The bad news is unless you’re a very light user, you aren’t going to be able to flush Klonopin from your system in just a few days. There are a few ways to speed up the detox process, but it’s still wise to spend at least a week abstaining from drug use.

You can naturally speed up the detox process by drinking tons of water, exercising a lot, and eating a healthy diet. Try to eat plenty of fruit and avoid fatty foods. There are also plenty of herbal teas and supplements that can help you flush drugs from your body faster. You may also want to try a specialized detox drink.

There’s some confusion surrounding detox drinks, which isn’t surprising given their name. Many users assume that they should be consuming them for several days before their tests, but detox drinks don’t work like that. They don’t flush the toxins from your body thoroughly.

They just flush them from your urine temporarily so that you can submit a clean sample. A good detox drink will also replace the compounds typically found in normal urine to raise any red flags. Additionally, make sure you read the label and take the glass no more than a few hours before the drug test.

Using Synthetic Urine to Pass a Klonopin Drug Test

Klonopin Drug Test

While detox drinks can help you reduce the risk of testing positive for Klonopin and other drugs, they don’t eliminate it. If you’re a heavy user, even a high-quality detox drink may not be enough to help you provide a clean, natural sample. That’s where synthetic urine comes in.

Synthetic urine is designed to mimic the chemical compounds, color, viscosity, pH, and even natural human urine smell. It comes in two forms: powdered urine and liquid synthetic urine. Both are viable options, but liquid synthetic urine is easier to use since it doesn’t need to be pre-mixed.

If you choose to go this route, keep in mind that you will need to warm the sample up to an average body temperature of 94 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit before submitting it. You can purchase a synthetic urine belt that holds it against your body in a medical-grade bag for several hours, or you can use specialized heating pads or heat activators to warm it up faster.

Few synthetic urine manufacturers can guarantee negative drug test results, but using it is a safer bet than detox drinks. Remember, you need to ensure your sample is at average body temperature and thoroughly mix powdered urine before using it.

If your urine test is supervised, make sure you purchase a synthetic urine belt that will be convincing enough to assuage any suspicions. There are plenty of effective products out there, so shop around and find the best one that fits your budget and unique needs without being fooled by ineffective products.

Ralph Gary
Ralph is a passionate author at, a leading drug education website. With a background in public health, he combines research and empathy to create informative content that empowers readers with knowledge on substance abuse. Ralph's mission is to foster a safer and healthier community through education.


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