How Long Does Suboxone Stay in Your System: Backed by Research

Suboxone Stay in Your System

Recent research suggests that Suboxone addiction is more prevalent today than ever before, so it’s not surprising that many companies are enforcing drug policies and conducting pre-employment drug screenings. Without further ado, let’s crack the research vault and discover how long Suboxone stays in your system.

Suboxone is a formulation of buprenorphine, a semi-synthetic opioid prescribed to treat opioid addictions such as hydrocodone and heroin. According to a 2018 publication in NCBI, Suboxone doesn’t offer the illicit high associated with prescription-strength opioids; however, it is the most abused prescription medication in the United States.

Unfortunately, receiving news of a drug test can be a nightmare for those who like their Sobos. Continue reading to uncover what research indicates regarding the duration of Suboxone staying in your system if you’re concerned about your drug test and consuming Oranges, Bupe, and Stops. 

How Long Does Suboxone Stay in Your Body?

Treatment centers unanimously agree: a single dose of Suboxone has a 24-hour duration, lingering longer than many other drugs. Its half-life ranges from 12 to 42 hours, notably longer than the 4 to 6 hours typical of other substances. This extended half-life, coupled with individual metabolic variations, means Suboxone may remain detectable for 120 to 150 hours or 5 to 8 days. Individuals with kidney or liver ailments might experience prolonged clearance times.

Four types of drug tests commonly used by employers and corporations reveal the duration Suboxone remains detectable in each of them.

  • Blood Test

Suboxone’s longer half-life than other drugs may make 36 hours the more logical timeframe for detecting recent drug use using blood tests, surpassing the typical 24-hour window.

  • Urine Test
Urine Test

The panel must specifically test for Suboxone in urine, which can stay in your urine between 48-78 hours, depending on use, making it the most commonly used test for drugs.

  • Hair Test

Hairs tests may be your worst adversary because they are extremely accurate and can detect the presence of buprenorphine between 90 to 100 days or longer.

  • Saliva Test

Saliva tests are similar to blood tests, with a detection rate of 24-36 hours for Suboxone. Since the window is relatively short, this type of test is only good for recent use and is generally ineffective after 36 hours after your last dosage.

Factors That Determine How Long Suboxone Stays in Your System

A drug’s half-life typically determines how long drugs stay in your system. Since Suboxone has a longer half-life, it can remain active in your system longer than other commonly used drugs such as cocaine, methadone, and amphetamines. Other factors that impact the duration of Suboxone in your system include:

  • Your weight
  • Your metabolism
  • Your health
  • Other medications
  • Other illicit drug use

Certain drugs, like Suboxone, may take several days or weeks to fully exit your system, unlike some drugs, which the human body expels in as little as a day.

Will Suboxone Show up on a Drug Test?

Will Suboxone Show up on a Drug Test

The good news is that Suboxone doesn’t show up on expanded or routine opiate drug tests because the lab must specifically test for buprenorphine. However, if you are under suspicion of using Suboxone, your drug screening will be looking for your use of Sobos, so knowing the type of drug test you have to take is vital to choosing the right body detox kit combined with remaining abstinent.

How to Quickly Remove Suboxone From Your System

Since Suboxone metabolizes slower than other drugs, your best option is to immediately stop taking it and detox your body. You can do this by drinking water all day combined with eating foods such as kale and broccoli that help your body metabolize the toxins faster, increasing your odds of passing a drug test.

Those faced with taking a drug test on short notice can best address the situation by purchasing a detox kit, such as detox drinks, hair shampoos, or synthetic urine, and by abstaining from drugs while consuming foods that accelerate metabolism. 

Using Synthetic Urine to Pass a Suboxone Drug Test

Many states have criminalized the use of synthetic urine to pass a drug test for Suboxone, and getting caught carries severe penalties despite it remaining one of the most effective options available. Employers, though well aware of the widespread use of synthetic urine among individuals attempting to pass drug tests, have limited means to prevent it or detect its usage.

Even though it looks and smells like the real deal, preparing synthetic urine to avoid detection requires you to do a little homework.

To avoid this and get high-quality synthetic urine kits, you can trust the following products:

Clear Choice Incognito Synthetic Urine Belt

The Urinator

Quick Fix Pro Belt Kit

WizClear’s Synthetic Urine Belt

Monkey Whizz Synthetic Urine Belt

For those who need a more definitive answer on the amount of time Suboxone stays in your body, we recommend using a home drug test kit before you take your exam. These kits are rather inexpensive and can tell you if what you’re doing is working or not.

Using the above tips and tricks can help you pass a drug test for Suboxone, but it is paramount to remain drug-free while detoxing your body for a drug test specifically screening for Sobos.

Ralph Gary
Ralph is a passionate author at, a leading drug education website. With a background in public health, he combines research and empathy to create informative content that empowers readers with knowledge on substance abuse. Ralph's mission is to foster a safer and healthier community through education.


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