White Thai Kratom: A Guide From An Actual User

White Thai Kratom

Due to its potent effects, White Thai Kratom is one of the best white strains on the market.

It’s primarily used to obtain an energy boost, and unlike other white strains, it also produces mental relaxation, which can help with stress and anxiety.

White Thai can be taken via capsules for those who don’t like kratom’s bitter taste, prepared as a tea or in its raw powder form.

After using White Thai for several years, I honestly admit White Thai will not disappoint you. I’ve used various kratom strains and understand their effects as well as their potency. White Thai is undoubtedly among the best white strains. 

Therefore, I will explain everything you need to know regarding this potent strain in this complete and thorough White Thai Kratom review.  A few of the topics you can expect include: 

  • What is White Thai
  • Effects and benefits
  • How to take White Thai
  • How to find your dosage
  • How to avoid negative side effects
  • Compare it to other strains
  • Where to buy White Thai

Looking for the best strain for your needs? Don’t miss these posts!

1. What is White Thai Kratom? 

What is White Thai Kratom? 

White Thai is a white kratom strain originating from Thailand, where the natives have chewed kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa) leaves for thousands of years. 

The leaves contain special alkaloids, specifically 7-Hydroxymitragynine and Mitragynine,  responsible for White Thai’s amazing benefits. 

These alkaloids bind to the same receptors in our brain as opioid drugs, therefore producing similar effects. 

However, most drug tests cannot detect these alkaloids cannot. Only some drug tests, such as the ones used by law enforcement agents, may be capable of detection. 

The color of the veins on the leaves dictates the color of each strain. There are four kratom colors, and each produces a unique combination of effects. 

  • Red Thai: The most relaxing of the four and best for pain relief. It’s great for sleep and/or anxiety. 
  • White Thai: The most stimulating of the four. It is not very effective for pain relief or anxiety. However, unlike other white strains, I found White Thai slightly mood-boosting. 
  • Yellow Thai: A hybrid of red and white. Therefore, it can be used for pain and energy, but its effects are less potent. 
  • Green Thai: Also a hybrid of Red and White Thai. It’s more effective for boosting your mood than any other color, but it can also be used for pain and anxiety relief and a decent energy boost (although not as strong as white). 

Within each color, there are also various strains. For example, White Thai and White Maeng Da produce the same effects. The difference lies in potency. It is known to be the strongest stimulant, although White Thai doesn’t trail far behind. 

2. White Malay Effects & They’re Used For

White Malay offers potent effects that can treat many medical conditions and/or symptoms. 

Take a look at the table below to get a better understanding of the level of potency for each effect. 

2.1. White Thai Energy

White Thai Energy

The most common reason for using White Thai is, without a doubt, energy. Most white strains are known for their energizing effects; Whtie Thai is no exception. 

Compared to other strains, White Thai is among the most potent. The stimulating sensation is mostly a physical experience similar to using caffeine but with a more gradual rise in energy rather than a sudden jolt. 

Depending on how you consume White Thai, you may be able to enjoy the energy boost as soon as 5 minutes, but more on consumption in the next section. 

The stimulating effect can last 3-5 hours, making a great substitute for the daily cup of joe in the morning. 

Kratom is a strange plant that produces different effects depending on the size of the dose. You should consume a smaller than your average dose to obtain an energy boost. 

For example, if you usually consume 4 grams, take 3 to experience the increased energy. If you’re new to kratom, don’t worry; just make sure to read the section on how to safely find your proper dose. 

White Thai’s energy boost can be used for:

  • Lethargy
  • A pick-me-up
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Long strenuous tasks

2.2. White Thai Appetite Suppression

Like most kratom strains, White Thai can be used to suppress hunger, sometimes as fast as 5-10 minutes after consumption. 

The appetite suppression lasts about 2-5 hours, allowing you to skip a meal without feeling starving. 

Take advantage of this awesome effect to: 

  • Lose weight
  • Reduce binge eating
  • Diet

2.3. White Thai Mood Boost

Unlike most white strains, White Thai provides a subtle mood boost. It’s not as euphoric as Green Maeng Da, but it makes a difference. 

It feels like a surge of optimism and a mental break from stressful thoughts. Like that feeling when you realize a difficult situation will turn out okay. 

Hence, White Thai is very helpful when you need clarity. 

3. How To Take White Thai 

How To Take White Thai 

While there are many ways to take your White Thai, we focus on the most popular ones:

  • Toss and Wash
  • Capsules
  • Kratom Tea

All three ways of taking Kratom require different doses, so make sure to keep reading into the next section when I go over each one.

Although all 3 options make use of the White Thai Kratom powder, their potency will differ slightly depending on which method you choose.

Which option you decide will ultimately depend on convenience and how fast you want to experience the desired results.

Let us start with the first.

3.1. Toss And Wash

Toss And Wash

This method is my favorite way to take Kratom as it lets you consume it very quickly, and it will produce results in just minutes. This method’s effects will also be more potent than the tea or capsules.

To take your White Thai Kratom this way, simply put your desired dose in your mouth, take a swig of water, swirl the water around to mix it, and swallow it down.

While this may not be the most pleasant option because of the bitter flavor that Kratom has and the odd texture, it has its benefits.

If you can get past the bitterness and the texture, you will be rewarded with the fast and potent effects of Kratom.

With this method, you should notice the initial effects in about 5-10 minutes after taking it, and it will last 3-5 hours.

Tip: Use cold water to minimize the bitter taste.


  • Potent effects
  • Cheapest Option
  • Quickly Consume
  • Fast Acting


  • Bitter Taste
  • Unpleasant Texture
  • Can be Messy

3.2. White Thai Kratom Capsules 

White Thai Kratom Capsules 

White Thai capsules are ideal for people who want to avoid the bitter taste that you experience in the powder and tea.

Each capsule is made with a pharmaceutical-grade vegetable case to avoid allergic reactions, and each pill holds 0.7 grams of powder.

No silicone material is used to make the capsules.

An important thing to remember with the capsules is that it takes 30-45 minutes to feel the effects and lasts around 3-5 hours.

We recommend the toss-and-wash method if you want an option with more instant relief.


  • Quick Consumption
  • Convenient 
  • No Bitter Taste
  • Potent Results
  • No Powder Mess


  • More Expensive
  • Delayed Effects

3.3. White Thai Kratom Tea

White Thai Kratom Tea

Preparing White Thai Kratom Tea is an alternative to the toss-and-wash method. All you have to do is pour boiling water into a container with your Kratom powder or Kratom leaves. When you are ready to drink, just filter out the powder or leaves.

Make sure to never boil the water with Kratom as this will destroy the alkaloids that are responsible for the medicinal effects.

Kratom tea, much like the toss-and-wash method, is fast-acting, with initial effects starting 5-10 minutes after drinking and lasting about 3-5 hours.

The main downside to this method is the time it takes to prepare the tea and the bitter flavor. Preparing takes about 25 minutes, and you can improve the taste by adding honey to the tea.

We usually suggest this method to people who don’t have particularly busy schedules and enjoy drinking tea but don’t mind bitter flavors.


  • Fast Acting


  • Time to Prepare
  • Bitter Flavor
  • Requires More Kratom (Higher Cost)

4. Finding Your Dose

Finding Your Dose

A common misconception that I constantly see posted online is that everyone should take the same dose when taking Kratom.

Not only is this information misleading, but it is also dangerous. Everyone requires a different dose when it comes to Kratom. 5 grams might be perfect for one person but could trigger negative side effects in someone else.

Because of this, the safest way to find your dose of Kratom is to experiment. Unless you already use Kratom, then stick to your usual dose when taking White Thai.

Regardless of which method you choose to take your Kratom, follow these rules:

  • Stick to using one method of taking Kratom until you find your ideal dose.
  • Do not take Kratom twice a day when first experimenting with doses since the effects will become weaker the second time you take it.
  • Make sure to take your White Thai Kratom at least two hours after your last meal.

Dosages will change with each method of taking Kratom. For example, 5 grams of Kratom taken using the toss and wash method will yield more potent effects than 5 grams taken using the tea method.

Before finding your ideal dose, consider the following factors when determining your dosage.

  • Weight: Like alcohol and many other substances, weight makes a big difference in doses. The more you weigh, the more White Thai you must take.
  • Gender: In general, men will have to take more Kratom than women will, regardless of their weight. But there are exceptions to every rule.
  • Tolerance: Just like with other substances, some people will naturally have a higher tolerance to Kratom, whether they have used it before or not. For example, it is possible for two people who weigh the same to require very different doses.
  • Food: The more food you have in your system, the weaker the effects of White Thai Kratom will be.

4.1. Toss And Wash

To figure out exactly how much Kratom to take using the toss and wash method, we recommend starting with 2 grams for people under 200 pounds and 3 grams for people over 200 pounds.

It is important to wait 30 minutes before deciding if you are experiencing your desired effects. If you reached your desired effects, this is now your dose. 

If the effects felt weak or nonexistent, then increase the dose by adding one gram of Kratom the following day.

Repeat this process daily until you reach your desired effects from the White Thai. Once you reach the desired effects, this is now your dose.

4.2. Capsules 

The process for capsules is very similar to the toss-and-wash method.

For capsules, you’ll want to start with a dose of 3 capsules if you are under 200 pounds and 4 capsules if you are over 200 pounds.

You need to wait at least an hour and thirty minutes before analyzing the results with this method. If you reached your desired results, then this is now your dose.

If the effects were weak or nonexistent, increase the dose by one capsule the following day. For example, if you took 3 capsules the first day, take 4 the next day.

Repeat this process until you reach your desired effects. Once you do, that is now your dose for your White Thai Kratom.

4.3. Kratom Tea

You can use Kratom leaves or Kratom powder for tea.

Simply grind leaves with a coffee grinder if you want to use leaves. Using leaves will deliver more potent effects than using regular powder. You can also use this grounded powder for the toss-and-wash method.

For Kratom tea, we suggest starting with 4 grams if you are under 200 pounds and 6 grams if you are over 200 pounds.

Remember, you must wait 30-60 minutes before drinking the tea to allow the hot water to fully extract the alkaloids.

With this method, you should wait at least 30-60 minutes to experience the effects of White Thai Kratom.

If the effects felt weak or nonexistent, add 1 gram of powder or leaves to your dose the next day.

Repeat adding 1 gram daily until you reach your desired effects. Once you do, that is now your dose.

4.4. When To Increase Your Thai Dose

If you ever feel like your regularly taken dose is no longer effective, simply follow the instructions and add 1 gram or 1 capsule to your daily dose until your desired dose is reached again.

Once you get close to doubling your dose, make sure to take a tolerance break to avoid consuming large quantities of White Thai.

During your tolerance break, we recommend taking at least one month off.

5. Side Effects & How to Avoid Them

Side Effects & How to Avoid Them

The main reason that causes people to experience negative side effects while taking Kratom is due to taking too large of a dose that their body can not tolerate.

When this happens many people will experience side effects of a non-fatal nauseous headache.

Depending on how large of a dose you took, the headache could be mild or to the point of making you throw up.

The best way to avoid these negative side effects is to slowly and gradually increase your dose until you obtain your desired effects (if necessary).

5.1. Headache

I have experienced this headache many times, but luckily, it goes away on its own in about 45 minutes.

If you are new to taking Kratom and accidentally take too much, you are more likely to experience a headache because you have yet to build up a tolerance. Especially if you take it twice in the same day.

5.2. Getting High

While getting high is a side effect of taking Kratom, it is much different from a high from something like a weed. The times I have accidentally gotten high, I was still mentally in control and just dizzy. Time did not slow down, and I did not feel like laughing.

It was far from enjoyable, and the cause was taking too large of a dose.

Make sure to be wise with your dosages, and if you follow the guidelines I have set for you above, you will have nothing but positive experiences when taking your White Thai Kratom.

5.3. Hallucinations?

There are many claims out there about Kratom and hallucinations, but I have not met anyone who could testify to this statement. I have personally been using Kratom for years, and so have many of my readers, but not a single person has ever hallucinated

Some people may experience some psychedelic tendencies, such as colors becoming more vibrant, but never full-blown hallucinations.

6. What Reddit Users Think?

What Reddit Users Think?

Unfortunately, there are few White Thai Reddit forums, but I found one with a positive review.

Doubleupchris asks for people’s opinions regarding White Thai. One person in the comments states they love White Thai and White Maeng Da.

Although there aren’t too many comments for the post, the few that exist are positive.

7. White Thai vs White Maeng Da

White Thai vs White Maeng Da

Let me start by saying that regardless of your chosen strain, both will provide amazing effects. Also, kratom tends to vary with every vendor and sometimes even with every batch from the same vendor.

White Maeng Da is more energizing than White Thai. However, White Thai produces a slight mood and energy boost.

Neither is ideal for pain relief, and only White Thai may help with anxiety relief. White Meang Da’s strong stimulation can increase your anxiety.

If your sole purpose is to increase your energy, use White Maeng Da. If you also want a slight mood boost with a less potent energy boost, use White Thai.

Choose a red or potent green strain like Green Malay or Green Maeng Da for pain relief.

Ralph Gary
Ralph is a passionate author at tooslick.com, a leading drug education website. With a background in public health, he combines research and empathy to create informative content that empowers readers with knowledge on substance abuse. Ralph's mission is to foster a safer and healthier community through education.


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