How Long Does Acid Last and Why?

Does Acid Last and Why

Acid is currently an illegal drug, and it’s among the most powerful substances that can easily interfere with your mood. Acid is the shortened name for lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD). The drug was discovered in 1938 and subsequently used in hospitals for psychotherapy. However, its medical use was banned in 1967 and is now only used as a recreational drug.

When taken, LSD’s effects last between 6 – 15 hours, producing acid-induced trips. You may also experience ‘afterglow effects’ up to 6 hours after initially consuming it. Acid lasts long because its molecules interlock with serotonin receptors inside the brain, where it degrades slowly using its biological half-life, just like any other chemical.

Read on to find out how long Acid Lasts in your system and whether it will show up on a Drug Test. We will also discuss ways to Cleanse Your System and the side effects of Acid.

How Long Will Acid Stay in Your System?

Acid Stay in Your System

Acid is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract before entering your bloodstream. The blood will then transport it to other parts of your body. This process will take at least 20 minutes. However, before we dive deep into the process it takes to feel the effect, let’s look into how it is ingested into the body.

How to Take Acid

Acid is taken in tabs or hits, which are small squares of absorbent paper dipped in the drug solution of different concentrations. It can also be inhaled, injected, or taken as a liquid. Each of the doses will produce effects of hallucinations known as trips that may last for several hours.

Note that this article is just for information purposes and not recommended to take the drug because its use was abolished in the USA.

How Long It Takes For Acid to Take Effect

Your body will start showing the effects of acid use 20-90 minutes after taking the dose. It will reach its peak within the first 2 to 5 hours. However, this period varies from person to person depending on factors such as height-to-weight ratio and tolerance levels.

Each trip will be different because it is very unpredictable. Depending on the concentration of the drug, your location, and your mood, you might experience hallucinations and color distortions, perceive time as moving slowly, or feel as if you are floating.

Why Acid Lasts Long in Your System

When Acid gets into the brain, it binds with serotonin receptors, whose shape fits well with the drug molecules. This feature prolongs the time that Acid stays within the brain cells to at least 6 hours. It might even remain there for 18 hours before degrading and entering the bloodstream for excretion.

The liver rapidly breaks down Acid into inactive compounds as the substance is relatively unstable. Only about 1% of the drug remains unchanged to be excreted with the urine.

Factors Affecting the Duration of Acid in Your Body

The length of time acid takes to kick in and the intensity of its effects depends on several factors. These include:

Body Composition

If you’re a heavier person, Acid will most likely remain in your tissue a bit longer. Fats also retain the substance longer. If your blood contains higher levels of water, it will dilute LSD and release it faster via urine.

Organ Functioning

Acid travels through various organs, including the brain, lungs, and kidneys. The general performance of these organs has an on Acid.

The Quantity Consumed

A high concentration of Acid inside your body will take longer to clear because the half-life will be prolonged in higher drug quantities.


The higher your body’s rate of metabolism, the faster Acid will clear from your system. The metabolism rate is, in turn, affected by factors such as body temperature and your general body health.


Organ activity is generally higher in younger people than older ones unless there are existing medical conditions. Hence, acid will remain longer in older people’s bodies.

Will Acid Show Up On a Drug Test

Acid is challenging to detect in human samples because only very small amounts of it are necessary to obtain its effects. It is also easily and quickly broken down by the liver, hence shortening its window period.

Urine Test

Urine Test

After Acid is metabolized, only about 1% of the drug will be found in urine. Hence, why most urine drug tests will fail to detect the substance. However, it’s possible for Acid to be detected in urine for up to 8 hours after the last intake.

Blood Test

Blood will be the most effective sample for an LSD test. The acid will remain in the blood for about 6 to 12 hours. Therefore, making it the most ideal location to detect LSD.

Hair Test

It is rare to conduct a hair follicle test for Acid because it is ingested in low doses. Hair tests are frequently used to detect a substance if the drug was taken long ago. It can only last in your hair for up to 3 months after the last intake.

Saliva Test

Acid will fail to show up on saliva tests, mainly because of its small quantities at ingestion and its fast deactivation and excretion.

How to Get Acid out of Your Body Faster

It has a half-life of about 5.1 hours. If you want to hasten the cleansing process, you can do the following:

Stop taking more of the drug – This will make your body get rid of the substance naturally.

Drink water – The water dilutes LSD and helps you urinate frequently to expel it.

Drink water

Exercise – This increases the rate of metabolism, which hastens the breakdown and consequent excretion of the drug.

Dangers and Precautions to Observe When Taking Acid

You should be wary that acid intake has possible adverse effects and complications. Occasionally, you may have a bad trip which includes hearing unusual sounds, seeing distorted objects, and developing judgment problems. Therefore, you should ensure the following before ingesting the drug:

Look at Your Environment

Make sure you’re in a safe environment where you can’t harm other people or yourself in case you experience a bad trip. Then, pick a time when you are well relaxed and in a good mood to use.

Have People Around You

Have friends and family to take care of you in case things get ugly. However, if you always get a negative experience when using the substance, stop using it altogether and save your family the effort of taking care of you.

Do Not Use Large Doses if You’re a Beginner

Start by taking the substance in small amounts and gradually increase it towards your optimum quantity. Do not exceed the amount your body can comfortably handle. Otherwise, you will put your life at risk.

Do Not Mix

Do not take it with other drugs. The effects of a bad trip are already too much to handle, let alone the consequences of using other drugs.

Avoid it When Under Medication

If you are using other prescription drugs, avoid ingesting LSD. It might complicate the condition or react with medicine, thus reducing or increasing its effectiveness.

Acid Side Effects

Frequent use of LSD or ingesting large amounts increases your risk of developing tolerance as well as psychological addiction. Besides addiction, here are other potential side effects:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Hyperthermia, which could lead to kidney failure
  • Synaesthesia
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinogen persistent perception disorder (HPPD)
  • Depression

Bottom Line

Acid is currently a drug of abuse and should not be consumed in the USA because it is illegal. Check to establish if it is used legally for recreation in your country. While it may not last long within your system, like many other hard drugs, you should take precautions to ensure your safety and those around you.

Ralph Gary
Ralph is a passionate author at, a leading drug education website. With a background in public health, he combines research and empathy to create informative content that empowers readers with knowledge on substance abuse. Ralph's mission is to foster a safer and healthier community through education.


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