Delta 10 vs Delta 8 THC: Which is Better For You?

Delta 10 vs Delta 8 THC

After the new discovery of Delta-10 THC, avid hemp enthusiasts are wondering how it compares to Delta-8 products. Delta-8 THC has already garnered attention due to its known properties.

However, Delta-10 is entirely brand new on the market. After an intensive investigation, I made a comparison between these two THC products. 

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the primary psychoactive compound of cannabis. One of the least 113 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant is also present. The chemical formula describes multiple isomers, yet THC refers to Delta 9 isomers. Furthermore, cannabis plants contain the lipid THC. 

Both Delta 10 and Delta 8 have similar compounds, but there’s a thin line between the two. Keep on reading to know the differences between the Delta 10 and Delta 8 THC products

Delta 10 vs Delta 8

Cannabis plants are considered nature’s boon to human lives. In many ways, this cannabis-derived compound, also known as cannabinoids, containing a set of chemical compounds, offers innumerable medicinal as well as health benefits. Although, Delta-10 is not just a simple mother nature product. 

It’s a Delta 9 derivative, manifested differently in the plant material. When cannabis farmers established a farm in California to treat the crops with fire retardants to protect them from blazing wildfires, they discovered it. 

Here are seven key features of Delta 10 vs Delta 8 that I’ve discovered during my research campaigns: 

1. Psychoactive Properties

Psychoactive Properties

The THC compounds, regardless of their variant, are capable of offering an intoxicating “high” feeling. However, the intensity may differ depending on the THC variant. Delta 9, among Delta 10, Delta 8, and itself, contains the most intense psychoactive elements and may cause discomfort and hallucinations. 

Generally, THC products obligate the CB1 receptors in the human brain, producing a sense of euphoric effect. Since Delta 8 and Delta 10 are associated with Delta 9 THC, they exhibit active psychoactive properties. This means that taking both these products will result in high; however, the intensity will be different in both cases.

The key factor to keep in mind is that both these THC compounds are milder than Delta 9. Both of these cannabinoids undergo a thorough degradation process before they convert into this new compound, contributing partially to the reason. Experts claim that both these compounds are 30% less intoxicating than Delta 9 THC. 

Delta 8 is considered milder psychoactive compared to Delta 10. It’s more popular as a mellow alternative to Delta 9, which is federally illegal. Choose Delta 8 THC products for their calming effects, and choose Delta 10 for a more energizing hit. 

Some key differences that I have found between these two compounds entail:

  • Delta-10 provides a more energizing hit than Delta-8, which people use as a sleep aid. 
  • Delta 10 users experience improved focus, productivity, alertness, and creativity, while Delta 8 promotes relaxation, eliminates stress, etc.
  • Delta-8 offers a mild buzz with a heightened sense of appetite, while Delta-10 has a less potent sedative potency. 

Moreover, both the Delta 8 and Delta 10 products have a weaker intensity than Delta 9 in terms of psychoactive effects. 

2. Chemical Structure 

Delta 10 vs Delta 8 THC

Primarily, the structure of both Delta 9, Delta 8, and Delta 10 THC products is almost the same. The difference lies mainly in the placement of the double bond of c=c. Delta 10 THC and Delta 8 THC have the same (c=c) double bond when it comes to their molecular structures, unlike Delta 9 THC. 

Still, the placement of these chemical bonds changes their way of interacting with the CB1 and CB2 receptors. The way the chemical bonds are placed in Delta 9 increases the affinity to receptors. Nevertheless, the chemical bond placement in both Delta 8 and Delta 10 makes them less reactive to receptors. 

This is the reason why both these products are less intoxicating than the Delta 9. Steam distillation produces Delta 8, while rearranging cannabidiol compound molecules produces Delta 10. It’s also safe to use both Delta 8 and Delta 10 products, while Delta 9 can potentially harm the human system. 

Additionally, the process of deriving the Delta 8 THC products from original hemp involves using a chemical conversion process called isomerization, which sounds much safer than synthetic sources. Similarly, in the case of Delta 10, producers use raw hemp extract, carbon, vitamin C derivatives, acids, and solvents to produce Delta 10. 

The difference I found between Delta 8 and Delta 10 chemical structures include:

  • Delta 8 is a naturally derived cannabinoid found in cannabis plants, while Delta 10 doesn’t occur naturally. 
  • Delta 8 is the isomer of Delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, but Delta 10 is a synthetic isomer. 
  • Delta 10 is more reactive due to its chemical structure than Delta 8. 

Worldwide hemp users widely use both Delta 8 and Delta 10 compounds for their unique offerings, regardless of their chemical differences. 

3. Benefits

Both Delta 10 and Delta 8 products contain almost similar compounds. In Hindsight, the benefits of these two compounds are wildly different. While Delta 10 helps improve creativity, alertness, focus, and energy, Delta 8 increases relaxation, stimulates appetite, and promotes better sleep. 

Many Delta 10 enthusiasts have reported that this compound offers an additional boost or lift to their energy system as well as feelings of sociability. On the contrary, research conducted on Delta-8 showed that it is useful for promoting sleep. Hence, it could be too sedating if used during active hours. 

Delta 8 THC products are considered better for afternoon or nighttime use, while Delta 10 THC products are considered best for daytime use. Many describe Delta 20 as “Sativa” and Delta 8 as “Indica” due to their different ways of working in the human system. 

The difference that I found between Delta 8 and Delta 10 THC benefits entail:

  • The Delta 10 THC increases creativity and focus, while Delta 8 increases relaxation. 
  • Delta 10 gives a boost to energy, while Delta 8 reduces stress, sleeplessness, and anxiety. 
  • Delta 10 offers a smooth high, but Delta 8 offers a mild high, making the users feel a little sleepy. 

Regardless of these differences, you can use both these products as these are widely popular among hemp users for their illimitable perks. 

4. Legality

Both the Delta 8 and Delta 10 THC compounds are legal as per federal law. According to the 2018 Farm Bill, the cultivation of hemp plants and derivation of hemp products are legal across the United States. Also, the use of Delta 8 products is certainly legal as it’s hemp-derived, and the local state laws can vary. 

Delta 8 is specifically not allowed in Arizona, Alaska, Lowa, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Colorado, Delaware, Mississippi, Arkansas, and a group of other states. As for Delta 10 THC, the states have no longer issued any legislation or regulation that forbids the use or sale of these products online or offline.  

The federal government does not consider Delta 9 THC safe or legal, despite Delta 10 and Delta 8 being easily derivable from it as they are isomers of Delta 9. The legality of these Delta 10 and Delta 8 products in other countries will depend on several factors. 

These few points I have found that help you determine their legality include:

  • These Delta 8 and Delta 10 should be derived from hemp, not marijuana. 
  • These products must include a Delta 9 THC compound of not more than 0.3%.
  • These can’t be synthetically produced from Delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol. 

Hence, we recommend verifying the lab test results before purchasing these products. A COA or lab test results can ensure that manufacturers have considered legal parameters when making these products. Brands receive COA certification based on the quality and manufacturing process of the product. 

5. FDA Approved?

FDA Approved

Under the federal legal system, selling, buying, possessing, or consuming the Delta 8 and Delta 10 compounds is unquestionably legal. The FDA has not yet approved the use of cannabis or any chemical components of cannabis, even though it must be procured from natural hemp. 

Ongoing research indicates the futuristic possibility of using Delta 8 as a medication for treating various conditions, especially vomiting and nausea. A 1995 study showed that the use of Delta 8 THC prevented a range of after-effects of the chemotherapy treatment. 

Therefore, Delta 8 can serve as a useful element for treating certain health conditions. Researchers have not yet found evidence on Delta 10 since its recent discovery, but I believe they will soon conduct research and access useful information in the future. 

6. Side Effects 

The pro users of the Delta 8 THC products rarely experience any side effects. In the case of novices, they may experience common side effects like paranoia, red eyes, nausea, dry mouth, drowsiness, fatigue, coordination, and anxiety. These side effects can only be seen if users take more than the recommended dosage. 

Users are less likely to face any side effects when using both Delta 8 THC and Delta 10 THC products in minimum dosage. It is recommended to increase the dosage gradually rather than instantly to avoid these side effects. 

In the case of Delta 10 THC, it’s relatively newer to the cannabis market than Delta 8 THC. This means this has yet to be used by a large number of hemp enthusiasts all across the globe. Additionally, there are no documented shreds of evidence of the side effects of the Delta 10 compound. 

7. Drug Testing 

Drug Testing 

Irrespective of the THC variant being consumed, there are increased chances of failing a drug test. In other words, both the Delta 10 and Delta 8 THC products can cause positive drug tests. The lab typically tests the individual’s urine for THC-COOH, which the human system produces as a metabolite to break down THC compounds. 

This THC-COOH is released in case any variant of THC is taken. It occurs because there is a molecular similarity for both the Delta 8, Delta 10, and Delta 9 products. All these compounds metabolize in the same manner. Moreover, drug tests are not performed or designed for detecting any scheduled drug in an intact form. 

Additionally, the gap between the consumption of these Delta 8 and Delta 10 compounds and the time of drug testing plays a pivotal role in determining the positive or negative result. People will have a 99% chance of failing a drug test if the test is conducted within 24 hours of consuming the THC products. 

This happens because your system takes time to eliminate these metabolites completely from the body. The process of complete expulsion takes a significant time. It can take nearly two days to a maximum of a year. Hence, I would recommend staying away from these products if someone is expecting to take a drug test in the near future. 

Ways to Consume These Compounds

Delta 10 vs Delta 8 THC

Cannabinoids interact variably with individuals, influenced by factors like gender, age, health, weight, metabolism, and body composition. The unique endocannabinoid system and product formulation further impact this response. Various consumption methods exist, and considerations include user comfort, product safety, and physiological state.

Among all, edibles and tinctures are considered safer than others, but they also offer a slower impact. Also, with tinctures and edibles, there is a potential risk of cannabinoid interaction with the existing medication. 

Fortunately, there are five other ways for consumption that may be used to consume cannabinoids:

  • Vaping: Both the Delta 8 and Delta 10 THC products can be mixed in vape juices and vaped to get an instant feeling. There are disposable as well as reusable vape pens available that make vaping an effective way of consuming cannabinoid products. 
  • Tinctures: The easiest way to use Delta 8 and Delta 10 products is through tinctures. These oils have gained renown for their medicinal properties and benefits. Moreover, people can use them both for therapeutic purposes and for getting high. Individuals with pulmonary issues often find it difficult to use vaping products.
  • Edibles: There are edible products available for consuming Delta 8 and Delta 10 THC. Nonetheless, these edible products often have a relatively slower onset of effect. It happens because it loses its strength and concentration while bypassing the digestive system. 
  • Flowers: Flowers are the best alternative to other forms of consuming cannabinoid products. It’s great for individuals who find it difficult to consume these cannabinoids through vaping. The process of extraction of these THC flowers is pretty delicate and requires a standard level of quality control.
  • Topicals: The ultimate advantages of Delta 8 and Delta 10 THC extend beyond just combustion via oral ingestion or smoking. Topical products are available for instant relief in targeted areas, and patients widely use Delta 8 THC topical products to treat chronic pains.  

Where to Buy Delta 10 or Delta 8?

online shop store

Both the Delta 8 and Delta 10 THC products offer innumerable health advantages. Although, it depends on how responsibly it is used. In case of overdosage, individuals will likely face the side effects. With all this information, purchasing Delta 10 or Delta 8 THC products can be daunting. 

There are offline as well as online stores available to make a purchase. The effects of both the Delta 8 and Delta 10 THC  will vary depending upon the person’s body health conditions, existing medications, and other factors. So, it’s crucial to consult a doctor or conduct a health checkup prior to buying these products.

Ralph Gary
Ralph is a passionate author at, a leading drug education website. With a background in public health, he combines research and empathy to create informative content that empowers readers with knowledge on substance abuse. Ralph's mission is to foster a safer and healthier community through education.


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