Trainwreck Kratom: Complete Guide

Trainwreck Kratom

Trainwreck kratom is one of the best white strains on the market. However, that’s not just my opinion. The number of Google searches made by the public confirms it as the second most popular white strain. 

The popularity of Trainwreck’s benefits has spread to every inch of the globe. After using it various times, I wrote this guide to help you better understand and use Trainwreck. I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me. 

Here are some things you can look forward to in this guide: 

  • What is Trainwreck
  • The Effects & Benefits
  • How to Take Trainwreck
  • How Much to Take
  • Avoiding Side Effects
  • Best Place to Purchase

Looking for more helpful guides? Don’t miss these posts! 

What is Trainwreck Kratom?  

What is Trainwreck Kratom

Trainwreck is a variant of kratom originating from Southeast Asia (exact country is unknown) where the natives have been using this amazing plant for thousands of years. 

Kratom comes in four different colors: red, white, yellow, and green. Usually, a strain such as Maeng Da is offered in all four colors, but not Trainwreck. 

The color of the veins on the kratom leaf determines the color. Once the veins turn white, Trainwreck is harvested and ready for the production line. 

Although Trainwreck is composed of 11 different strains, its energizing effects classify it as a white strain. Unfortunately, the strain’s manufacturers have ensured those 11 strains remain a well-kept secret. 

But just like with the other strains, Trainwreck’s medicinal benefits can be attributed to the alkaloids, Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxmitragynine, contained in the leaves. 

These alkaloids bind to the same receptors in our brain as opioid drugs. Therefore producing very similar effects. 

Luckily, they can’t be detected by the most common drug tests. Only drug tests, such as the 10-panel, used by law enforcement agencies may detect kratom’s metabolites. 

For the record, kratom is legal in the vast majority of states. 

Trainwreck Effects And Uses

Trainwreck produces multiple effects which can be used for the benefit of individuals. Take a look at the table below to get an idea of what Trainwreck can be used for and how potent each effect really is. 

In the following points, I will go into more detail as to what can be treated by using Trainwreck. 

Trainwreck For Energy

Trainwreck For Energy

Trainwreck’s most popular benefit is its energizing effect. Its stimulating boost can help you get through a long, strenuous task, especially if it requires physical effort. 

In my opinion, it’s one of the most stimulating strains out there, except White Maeng Da and maybe White Vietnam. 

The energy lasts for a good 3-5 hours. However, a word of caution, in order to obtain an energy boost from any strain, you must take a smaller than your average dose. 

For example, if you normally consume about 4-5 grams, take 3 to induce energy. Kratom is a unique plant that produces different results depending on the size of the dose. 

You can benefit from a few things when using Trainwreck’s energy boost. 

  • Lethargy
  • Pick-me-up
  • Long Strenuous tasks
  • Chronic fatigue

Trainwreck’s Mental Relaxation

Trainwreck’s Mental Relaxation

Trainwreck’s mental relaxation is not to be confused with sedation or even physical relaxation. This is purely mental, which means you’ll get a break from agonizing thoughts. 

The mental break is similar to that which you obtain while meditating. It’s definitely a god sent benefit for those who suffer from anxiety or depression. 

Strangely enough, most strains are not relaxers, but due to Trainwreck’s hybrid mix of strains, you can enjoy ultimate peace for about 3-5 hours. 

You can use the relaxation to help with: 

  • Anxiety
  • Depression 
  • Chronic or temporary stress
  • Social anxiety 
  • Opioid addictions 
  • Nervousness 
  • Bipolar disorders 

Trainwreck For Appetite Suppression

Trainwreck For Appetite Suppression

A very unknown effect of Trainwreck (and kratom in general) is its ability to suppress your hunger. This effect can be incredibly useful in a world where we’re surrounded by burgers and pizza. 

The effects lasts for about 2-5 hours and can be used to treat: 

  • Dieting
  • Binge eating disorders
  • Losing weight

How to Take Trainwreck

When deciding on which way you should take Trainwreck, you have plenty of options. Below are the most popular ones:

  • Toss and Wash
  • Capsules
  • Kratom Tea

Each different way of taking Kratom will require a different dose, so make sure to keep reading to learn the right and safe way to figure out your own dose.

Another thing that will vary depending on the method of taking is the potency, even though you are still using the same powder.

The method you choose to take your Trainwreck Kratom will ultimately depend on the level of convenience and how soon you want to feel the effects.

Starting with the first method.

Toss And Wash

Toss And Wash

This method is my personal favorite way to take Trainwreck. Using the toss and wash method you are able to consume it quickly and produce rapid results. The effects you feel from using the toss and wash method will also be more potent than taking by tea or capsule.

To take your Trainwreck this way, just put the powder in your mouth and follow it with some water. Once you do that, swirl it around a bit to mix the powder and the water, then swallow it.

This is not necessarily the most pleasant way to take Kratom due to its bitterness and texture, but you are assured to get quick and strong results from doing it this way if you can get past it.

The initial effects should be felt in 5-10 minutes, with lasting effects anywhere from 3-5 hours.

Tip: Use cold water to minimize bitterness.


  • Most Cost-Effective Option
  • Fast Acting
  • Potent Results
  • Quick consumption


  • Odd Texture
  • Bitter Flavor
  • Can be Messy



Drinking some Kratom tea is a great alternative to the toss-and-wash method. To prepare your Kratom this way, just pour some boiling water into a container with your Trainwreck Kratom powder or leaves in it. Once done, simply filter out the powder or leaves before consuming to avoid any sediments.

Always remember to never boil your water with the Kratom powder or leaves together at the same time. This will destroy the alkaloids that are responsible for the medicinal benefits you so seek.

Kratom tea is also fast-acting, and the initial effects can be felt within 5-10 minutes after consumption. just like the toss and wash method, it will last between 3-5 hours.

The main downside of this method of taking Kratom is the taste and preparation time, which is about 25 minutes. 

We suggest people take their Trainwreck Kratom this way if their schedules are less busy, they don’t mind the bitterness of the Kratom, and overall just enjoy the tea-drinking process.

Tip: Add honey to your Kratom tea to help with the bitterness.


  • Fast Acting


  • Time to Prepare
  • Requires More Powder (Higher Cost)
  • Bitter Taste


Taking your Trainwreck Kratom by capsule is ideal for people who would like to avoid the texture or flavor completely. Also, its being in pill form makes it portable and easy to take anywhere.

Each capsule is made with pharmaceutical-grade vegetable casing in order to avoid any allergies. Each capsule also holds 0.7 grams of powder.

An important thing to note when taking Kratom this way is that it will take 30-45 minutes to feel the initial effects. Although, like the other methods, the effects will last between 3-5 hours.

If you are looking for something to provide more instant relief then we recommend the toss and wash method.

No silicone content is used in the making of the capsules.

How Much Trainwreck to Take

How Much Trainwreck to Take

Sadly, there is a lot of incorrect information out there when it comes to standardizing the dosage of Kratom for everyone. This is completely not true, as each person can require a different dose.

Spreading false information like this is not only misleading but also dangerous. 5 grams of Trainwreck Kratom might be the perfect dose for one person, but it delivers negative side effects for another.

In this way, the best and safest way to find your Kratom dosage is to do so by experimenting. If you are already a Kratom user, then stick to your usual dose when taking Trainwreck. 

If you are not yet experienced with Kratom then make sure to pay close attention to the following sections.

Regardless of which method you use to take your Kratom, be sure to follow these rules:

  1. Stick to one method of taking Trainwreck Kratom until you find your ideal dose.
  2. Avoid taking Kratom twice in one day when you are first experimenting as the effects during the second round will be weaker.
  3. Always take Trainwreck Kratom at least two hours after your most recent meal.

Dosages will vary with each method of taking Kratom. For instance, 5 grams of Kratom via the toss and wash method will produce faster and more potent results than 5 grams prepared as tea.

Keep the following factors in mind during the process of finding your dose.

Weight: Weight influences Kratom dosage, with heavier individuals typically requiring larger doses.

Gender: Generally, men may need higher doses compared to women, even if their weights are similar.

Food: Consuming Kratom on an empty stomach intensifies its effects, so waiting two hours after meals is recommended.

Tolerance: Kratom tolerance varies among individuals, irrespective of body weight, leading to different dosage needs.

Psychedelic effects: Some users may notice heightened sensory experiences, like vivid colors, without full hallucinations.

Toss And Wash

To figure out how much Trainwreck Kratom to take using the toss and wash method, we recommend you start with 2 grams if you weigh under 200 pounds and 3 grams if you weigh over 200 pounds.

You will need to wait 30 minutes to see how this dose will affect you before increasing it the next time.

If you feel that the effects are weak or nonexistent, then increase your dose by one gram the following day.

Repeating this process of increasing your dose by one gram a day until you reach your desired results is the ideal way to find your dose.


Taking Kratom this way will require a bit more powder than the toss-and-wash method would in order to produce the same effects.

Using leaves and making your own Kratom powder is a great alternative to this method.

To do this, simply put the Kratom leaves into a coffee grinder to obtain a powder-like consistency. Once done, use this in the same way you would the powder when preparing the tea. You can also grind Kratom leaves and use them for the toss-and-wash method as well.

For tea, we recommend starting with 4 grams of powder if you are under 200 pounds and 6 grams if you are over 200 pounds.

You will want to wait around 30-60 minutes before deciding whether or not this is a suitable dose for you.

If the effects are weak or nonexistent, increase your dose by one gram the following day and continue this until the desired effects have been reached.


Finding your dose with capsules is similar to that of the other methods.

You should initially start with 3 capsules if you are under 200 pounds and 4 capsules if you weigh over 200 pounds.

Again, make sure to wait at least 30 minutes before deciding on whether or not this is the right dose for you.

If you are feeling like the effects are weak or nonexistent, then increase your dose by one capsule a day until the desired results are met.

When to Increase Your Dose

When to Increase Your Dose

If you ever start to feel that your regular dose is no longer effective, then increase it using the methods I have outlined for you above.

Once you get close to doubling your initial dose, you should take a tolerance break.

Tolerance breaks should consist of one month without using Kratom.

Side Effects & How to Avoid Them

Side Effects of kratom

The primary reason for the negative effects of Kratom is often excessive consumption, overwhelming the body’s tolerance.

Side effects typically include mild to moderate nausea and headaches.

To mitigate these effects, gradually increase your dosage following our provided outline.

Headaches, a common side effect, usually dissipate within 45 minutes, particularly if you’re new to Kratom.

Overconsumption, especially for beginners or with multiple doses in a day, heightens the risk of headaches.

Experiencing a “high” with Kratom can induce dizziness without the euphoria of other substances.

Avoiding excessive doses is crucial to maintaining a positive Kratom experience.

While there are claims of hallucinations, such experiences seem rare and are not commonly reported among long-term Kratom users.

Ralph Gary
Ralph is a passionate author at, a leading drug education website. With a background in public health, he combines research and empathy to create informative content that empowers readers with knowledge on substance abuse. Ralph's mission is to foster a safer and healthier community through education.


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