PuriClean Instant Complete Body Cleanser: Complete Review

puriclean instant body cleanser

You’ve probably been bombarded with tons of detox drinks in the search results and now you find yourself a little lost. Coming across PuriClean Instant Complete Body Cleanser, it sounds enticing. But, is it that good?

PuriClean Instant Complete Body Cleanser is a concentrated cleansing liquid developed in 1996. It’s meant to cleanse you of toxins from food, water, and even air pollutants. You can achieve this by drinking the entire 16oz or 32oz contents, followed by urinating frequently to get desired results. 

No need to painstakingly read through hundreds of reviews. We’ve got you covered here with some major insight on this product and if it’s worth your hard-earned bucks. 

Puriclean Instant Complete Body Cleanser Review

Puriclean has been around since the 90’s, so they’ve established themselves as one of the top notch brands for detox products. This brand has created many other popular items, such as their Omni line of detox drinks and shampoos. This is a pretty good sign for us. However, let’s not get our hopes up just yet. 

What’s in the Box?

One bottle either 32 oz or 16 oz

Does Puriclean Instant Complete Body Cleanser Work?

The main reason you’re here. You want to get down to business. Does this detox drink actually work? 

I don’t have a simple yes or no answer for you. It’s really going to depend on your end goal. For those looking to just cleanse from toxins found in foods or occasional drug use and drinking, it’s a rather good product. If you’re looking to pass a drug test and you’re a heavy user, you may want to stick to another product as you might need something stronger and with more or better ingredients. 

But, this does not mean it can’t work for you at all. There are some people who are moderate to frequent smokers and they found it worked just fine. The only thing is that you’ll have to take more precautions and steps than just following the simple directions. We’ll go over some of these helpful extra steps a little later. 

What are the Ingredients?

I always like to check out the ingredients of detox drinks because, trust me, it tells you a lot. There’s certain key ingredients that it needs to have in order to cleanse you out pretty good. 

The good thing about Puriclean Instant Complete Body Cleanser is that the ingredients all seem fairly safe. Heck, it even says they recommend you drink it often as a continual cleanse. This might benefit you depending on what you’re intending to use it for. 

Let’s take a look at some of the ingredients: 

Vitamins- Like most of the other detox drinks, this one contains Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12. These, especially vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) helps with the color of the urine. It makes it that yellow-ish color you need when taking a urine test. It also helps with your overall metabolism. 

Creatine- This is another one that’s pretty much found in every other detox beverage. Creatine is that sneaky yet essential ingredient that helps disguise that you’ve used something to dilute your urine. Usually, when you take a urine test, they check your creatine levels. It just helps mask dilution and keep those levels balanced. 

Psyllium Husk- This is the one that helps push out toxins. How psyllium husk works is that it expands in the colon and forms a gel-like substance. That’s what then helps push out toxins. A great ingredient that detox drinks benefit from. 

Cascara Sagrada- Sounds like a strange ingredient, but I’ve seen it in other detox products too. Cascara sagrada is a type of laxative which helps contract intestinal muscles to release bowel movements. I wouldn’t recommend taking laxatives often. However, there seems to be a much smaller amount as it’s one of the last ingredients on the long list. 

The only downside is that it’s missing some other helpful ingredients, such as Zinc. Zinc has been known to mask THC and other drugs. So, I’m going to knock off some points for that.

Online Reviews

Reading online reviews from actual users can be super helpful in seeing how good a product is. Sometimes they even provide you with their own tips they used to help pass a urine test. From what I saw, it has a good number of 4-5 star reviews. I’ve seen other products that have less than 3 stars, and that’s alarming. This one seems to be decent. 

I wanted to save you some time by including some good and bad reviews from popular websites that sell them, such as Amazon, so you can have a fair look at this detoxer.

Positive Review: 

I’ve used it 4 times and it worked all 4 times. A family member has also used it twice and both times results passed.” – Laurine

Negative Review: 

Bought 2 bottles and still tested positive for THC. If you aren’t a daily smoker like me i’m sure this product will help you out in a jiffy. But for daily smokers you may want to try out the Sure-Jell/Gel method instead”  – AJ

Mixed Review

It only works if you already have a low amount in your system. If you have a lot, it won’t work. Failed a couple times with it while still pretty dirty. As I was closer to clean, it worked.” – Brittany

Overall Pros and Cons 

Here’s a quick list of the good and bad from Puriclean Instant Complete Body Cleanser:

Pros Cons

Can be used more than once a week.Contains B Vitamins, creatine, and psyllium husk. Can work to pass a drug test through dilution.

Doesn’t contain zincModerately pricey. Might not help you pass a urine test if extra precautions aren’t taken or if you have too much toxins.

Directions for Puriclean Instant Body Cleanser

Looking at the back of the bottle, the instructions seem fairly easy to follow. Keep in mind that there are two sizes, which are the 16 oz and 32 oz. Here are the differences between the two. 

Puriclean Instant 16oz VS 32oz

  • 16oz – This is for smaller set individuals who are also not super heavy users. I’d say if you’re under 200 pounds, you can get away with this one.
  • 32oz – For those over 200 pounds or heavy users, you’ll want to get the 32oz for better results. 

Directions for both sizes: 

  1. Do not eat for at least 3 hours before taking it.
  2. Drink at least 32oz of water.
  3. Shake bottle and drink entire contents.
  4. Drink another 32oz of water.
  5. Urinate at least 3 times before test. 

Using Puriclean Instant Complete Body Cleanser for a Drug Test

Since you’re most likely using this for a drug test, there’s some super helpful tips I think you must follow. Sometimes it’s not enough to just go over the directions. 

Here are some tips to try: 

  1. Stop smoking weed or using drugs as soon as you’re told about the test.
  2. Drink a minimum of 48oz of water on the days leading up to the test.
  3. Try eating healthier and lighter meals as this can help your body get rid of the toxins a bit faster. 
  4. Buy Zinc. Take zinc everyday and on the day of the test. This detox drink unfortunately doesn’t contain this helpful ingredient. 
  5. Avoid milk and other dairy products.
  6. Make sure you’re test is about 1 hour after you drink it and make sure you have urinated 3 times. This seems to be when users are more likely to pass. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Puriclean Instant expire?

Most detox drinks do have an expiration date. You’ll want to check on the box or bottle itself. However, most stores are good with keeping up on expiration dates and tossing old ones out. 

When should I drink PuriClean Instant?

About two hours before you have the test. Make sure to urinate a few times before the test. 

Does this work for a hair test?

This doesn’t seem to work for a hair drug test. You’re better off trying another product, like Omni Detox Shampoo

Does it work for alcohol?

It’s supposed to work for any and most toxins. However, the product doesn’t specify.

How long will the cleanse last?

This cleanse will last for about 5 hours.

Tim Rosenberger
Hey there! I'm Tim, the founder, and author of Too Slick. I created this blog to share my passion for all things related to family, home improvement, health, drug education, and more, with a focus on making your life easier. My goal is to help you lead a healthier, happier life by providing practical tips and insights. Let's learn together and have some fun!


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