What Is Delta 8 THC & Is It Safe?

Delta 8 THC

Delta-8 THC is a compound derived from the hemp plant. It has neuroprotective and analgesic properties but is less potent than Delta-9 THC. The action of THC on cannabinoid receptors in the brain and its ability to influence perception and coordination has been the subject of investigation for more research. 

Many people who use Delta-8 THC account for its mild psychoactive and medicinal outcomes. The FDA hasn’t sanctioned the approval of Delta 8 THC for use as a drug. This is against the backdrop of the federal definition of hemp. Many states, however, are in the process of legalizing the use of hemp for medicinal purposes.

To find out more about Delta-8 THC, its uses, and potential side effects from using it, keep reading. 

What Exactly is Delta-8 THC? 

What Exactly is Delta-8 THC

Delta-8 THC  is a cannabinoid compound similar to Delta-9 in terms of chemical structure, their double bond, and the fact that this double bonded structure is responsible for producing its characteristic high. This double bond is nothing other than its carbon atoms. The double bond is found on the eighth carbon atom.

The action of the double bond on the cannabinoid system is quite unique for the Delta-8 THC than in other THC compounds. Delta-8 THC comes with mild and smooth effects as opposed to other TCH products. Some users may experience mild side effects like dry mouth and anxiety from using THC.

The slightly different molecular structure of Delta-8 makes it bind differently to CB1 receptors in the endocannabinoid system than Delta-9 THC. Researchers are making many assumptions about their effects largely due to the fact that studies are purely anecdotal, and ongoing studies aim to determine how their reaction differs from Delta-9 THC.

Effects of Delta-8

Delta-8, just like Delta-9 THC, may produce psychoactive effects. Studies show that the effects produced by Delta-8 THC are clearer and crisp when compared to Delta-9 THC. Some users have experienced slightly different reactions to its use, and there is a general consensus by many that the effects are slightly milder.

Most of its users may experience a reduction of pain and other noticeable effects like heightened focus, decreased nausea, and relaxation by its use. Some studies have discovered that it potentially has analgesic and anxiolytic qualities. Additionally, it may stimulate appetite in a given measure and may also portray antiemetic properties.

Delta-8 lends itself to other uses by CBD users who may want to access other cannabinoids not present in CBD. Many users who find Delta-9 as too intense may, for instance, switch to the use of Delta-8 CBD and derive almost similar effects by the latter, but in a reduced measure. Its potency is far lesser than that of Delta-9 THC.

Will Delta-8 Get You High?

Will Delta-8 Get You High

Delta-8 will get an individual high but to a lesser degree than other CBD products. Researchers are actively studying to determine how the effects of these assumptions differ from Delta-9 THC, largely due to the purely anecdotal nature of current studies. Users may still experience a buzz but without the paranoia-inducing effects characteristic of cannabis products.

Users who aren’t keen to use THC compounds with higher intensities may use Delta-8 for a slightly lower mellow experience. This shouldn’t be mistaken to mean that the compound may not produce a high. It still binds to cannabinoid receptors, just like other THC compounds.

Delta-8 produces a less significant high compared to other potent hemp products because it is less potent than regular CBD products. Moreover, researchers need to conduct more studies to determine the efficacy of Delta-8 and its potential therapeutic effects, similar to other THC and CBD products available in the market, as its use is largely unregulated. 

What Are the Side Effects?

Like any other THC product, the excessive use of Delta-8 may have its fair share of side effects. Personal experiences and anecdotal studies largely inform much of what is known about these effects, which may vary from individual to individual.

The abuse of Delta-8 doesn’t solely limit side effects. Other factors, such as an individual’s predisposition against certain compounds, their health status, and whether they are currently under medication, can also produce side effects even when using Delta-8 THC in its prescribed amount. 

With that said, the following side effects may be expected from the use of Delta-8 THC:

  • Dryness of Mouth.
  • Users may not pass drug tests
  • Feeling mellow and giggly most of the time
  • A mind high
  • Dry eyes
  • Grogginess
  • Anxiety
  • Unpredictability

Users of Delta-8 THC, however, may avoid the above potential side effects by adhering to the correct dosage of a slightly lower dose than what they ordinarily use. Much is still unclear about the effects of Delta-8 THC because it’s a relatively new entrant. Delta-8 edibles and capsules have far fewer effects than other forms.

Various Forms of Ingesting Delta 8

Various Forms of Ingesting Delta 8

Users may ingest Delta-8, like any other THC product, in many different ways, including gummies, softgel capsules, tinctures, cartridges, and vapes. Additionally, they can add Delta-8 THC distillate to any baking recipe to produce brownies and cookies, or they can introduce it into smoothies.

Spraying CBD flowers with Delta-8 THC distillates produces Delta-8-infused hemp flowers, which potentially alleviate pain. Consuming oil drops orally creates Delta-8 tinctures while absorbing Delta-8 gummies through the digestive tract and assimilating them into the liver via the bloodstream.

The Legality of Delta-8

The Legality of Delta-8

Delta-8 is legal in some states in the US. About 11 states in the US, including Arkansas, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Mississippi, Iowa, Idaho, Montana, Rhode Island, and Utah, have banned its use in their Jurisdictions. The 2018 Farm Bill, however, legalized all hemp-derived extracts, derivatives, and cannabinoids.

The 2018 Farm Bill interestingly legalized hemp products with no qualifications. This potentially implies that Delta-8 THC products can be legal if their ingredients are solely derived from hemp and do not contain more than 0.3% Delta 9 THC.

The legal position of Delta-8 may be properly understood and analyzed under federal law. It is classified as a controlled substance that is illegal and remains so unless the laws of a particular jurisdiction state otherwise.

Bioactivity of Delta-8 THC

Researchers have conducted little research on the biological activity of this constituent of cannabis and its full interaction with body tissues. It may potentially be used to study a motivational syndrome affecting human beings. It is a psychoactive agent and almost equally mimics Delta-9 and its action on CB1 and 2 receptors.

Will Delta-8 THC Show Up On a Drug Test?

Drug Test

Most drug tests do not look for Delta-8 THC in the system. However, if an individual uses a Delta 8 THC product that has a THC concentration level of more than 0.3% and uses the same regularly, it may show up in a drug test. 

Individuals may well be aware of the fact that Delta-8 THC may potentially show up in a drug test, and there are ways of mitigating this in advance. This includes chugging lots of water to eliminate the presence of THC in the system, consuming some B-12 Vitamins, and consuming diuretics like coffee.

What’s the Difference Between Delta-8, CBD, and Marijuana?

Difference Between Delta-8, CBD, and Marijuana

Delta-8 primarily differs from marijuana because hemp commonly serves as its source, while nearly all products derive from CBD, which originates from hemp and holds federal legality. However, it’s important to note that both hemp and marijuana belong to the same class or species.

What makes the two distinct is that marijuana is a cannabis plant that has more than 0.3% THC levels. Hemp, on the other hand, is a cannabis plant that has less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC.

Delta-8 Beginner Dose

Delta-8 Beginner Dose

Due to the rapidly growing interest surrounding it, many beginners inquire about the acceptable dosage for its consumption. The two primary factors that inform dosage are the milligram strength and the actual dosage amount. Beginners who may have a low tolerance may use between 5mg-15mg per.

Intermediate users may dose between 15mg and 45mg peruse, while advanced users who have a high tolerance may use between 45mg to 150mg or more. The fact that the efficacy of Delta-8 THC may be slightly lower than that of Delta-9 THC by around 50 – 65% doesn’t mean that using it in excess will not make an individual high.

Can Delta-8 Be Classified as a Synthetic Cannabinoid?

Researchers have conducted many studies, and they have found the conclusions remarkable. It occurs naturally and is convertible in a laboratory setting, as well as extractable commercially through molecular isolation and selective breeding. CBD can be altered to synthetically derive Delta-8.

The process of synthetically altering CBD is cheap and very cost-effective but may not be legal, and its use remains risky. There is more to be understood about how it operates in the body. The main challenge that faces the majority of retailers and sellers of THC products is identifying whether or not the products they sell are synthetic or not.

Can I Buy Delta-8 Online? 

Can I Buy Delta-8 Online

Yes. It may be purchased online from many credible vendors. Individuals who intend to purchase Delta-8 products may expect a minimum age requirement of at least 18 years. Some vendors indicate that individuals below the age of 21 may not be able to purchase products from their site.

Delta-8 THC and the FDA

Delta-8 THC and the FDA

The 2018 Farm Bill defined the approach that assesses the legality of THC as a product that is viable for human use. It doesn’t have the FDA’s full approval for treating any condition or disease. This may be partly attributed to the fact that the interaction of Delta-8 THC is relatively unknown.

Due to the push by many states to legalize the use of CBD products, research will increase, and hopefully, a push for more rigorous testing for quality products by the FDA and other bodies interested in the same.

How to Find a Reputable Delta-8 Vendor

Find a Reputable Delta-8 Vendor

Find reputable vendors by checking for third-party lab testing. Look for vendors who provide lab results with terpene profiles to ensure legal THC levels. 

Reputable distributors, more often than not, offer a money-back guarantee on the sale of their products. Additionally, they stock quality products that have been organically grown and extracted using methods that do not compromise the integrity of the end product. 

People who struggle to find reliable distributors can turn to wholesalers who carry diverse products. These wholesalers carefully research and vet suppliers based on specific criteria before listing their products online. 

Ralph Gary
Ralph is a passionate author at tooslick.com, a leading drug education website. With a background in public health, he combines research and empathy to create informative content that empowers readers with knowledge on substance abuse. Ralph's mission is to foster a safer and healthier community through education.


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